40+ Clever Ways To Make Even A Small Living Space Feel Like A Mansion

By Jhoana C

This article was originally published on mydiwise

How nice would life be if we could all live in large homes and have a space for everything? But we all know that space is a precious commodity, and in today’s world where everything has become expensive, not everyone can afford the few extra square feet. The best alternative is to come up with ways to make any room in your house seem bigger than it is. With creative thinking and a few rearrangements, you can succeed in making your home more spacious and organized. To help you in your pursuit, we have compiled clever hacks that will make you love your small home. Let’s not waste any time, roll up our sleeves, and get right down to business.

#1 Turning knobs into scarf savers

Knobs do more than just help us grasp on to something so we can open cupboards, drawers, and doors. They are meant for bigger things, too. They can help sort out that ugly pile of scarves in your drawer or on the closet floor.

Image courtesy of oursouthernhomesc.com

Come on, don’t be ashamed. You can admit that you haven’t gotten to organizing your scarves. They are not easy to store, but with the help of knobs, everything becomes simple. Glue extra knobs to the closet door, and tie your scarves around them.

#2 Space under your bed

Another space that goes to waste is the area under the bed. Instead of making it the home of dust and all sorts of critters, why not utilize it for clearing the pile of clothes you have in the closet?

Image courtesy of soukland.com

The space under the bed makes for a great place to store out-of-season clothes, but for this project to succeed, you need to measure the bed correctly so that the drawers fit. You can even use your old luggage for the job.

#3 Wooden crates into toy organizers and keepers

Wooden crates are some of the most versatile and inexpensive items that can be turned into almost everything. Organization is always a challenge when you have tiny tots at home which just seem to have a never-ending supply of toys.

Image courtesy of eddesign.co

Fret not, as wooden crates will rescue you from your organizing rut. Sand them down to make sure they are smooth, and paint them colors that are not only attractive to kids but also colors that blend well with your home décor. Now you have a place for the little ones to stash their books and toys.

#4 Roll clothes for more space

The dilemma of every homemaker is how to prevent the house from looking like a hurricane just went through it. One of the most common problems is the proper storage of clothes. There has been a great debate over folding and rolling clothes.

Image courtesy of travelandleisure.com and JasminkaM/Shutterstock

Are you team roll or team fold? Well, rolling clothes is easier, so it’s more convenient for everyone who has limited time on their hands. By rolling clothes, you save more space, too. Just look at the photo for comparison and you’ll see what we mean.

#5 Benches and ottomans with storage

Thank God for people who thought of adding secret storage to benches and ottomans because we all need the additional space to stash things in, especially if we line in smaller homes and apartments. Now you don’t have to stare at those loose folders and knick-knacks.

Image courtesy of newsatweb.com

Benches like the one you see in the photo above are becoming more popular these days, underscoring the reality that not many people can afford homes or apartments with huge spaces. Inexpensive and available in various colors and designs, they make a great addition to any home.

#6 Trunks make good coffee tables

In a bid to save money and space, it’s wise to choose furniture and decor that serve a double purpose. Why settle for less, right? So instead of getting yourself a trunk for storage and a coffee table for the living room, why not just the former?

Image courtesy of grdodge.com

Trunks not only double as a coffee table, but they also make a good place to rest your feet when you are tired. Opt for interesting designs and textures so they can also become conversation pieces. There are many ways to use furniture if you just keep an open mind.

#7 Beds with storage underneath

Instead of getting yourself a traditional bed, purchase those beds that come with storage underneath to make your bedroom bigger than it is. There is a variety of designs to choose from nowadays, and you can even find these beds in Ikea.

Image courtesy of bandbsnestinterior.com

Flip the bed up and stash whatever you need to keep hidden — toys, shoes, clothes, you name it! We want to thank whoever invented this because it is a lifesaver. Now you don’t have to struggle with storage and organization.

#8 DIY clothing racks

If you want to prepare your outfit for the next week, or want to have a place where you can hang a few clothes, a clothing rack will serve you well, especially if they come with wheels and you can move them around the room.

Image courtesy of myhomeimprovement.org

Aside from being functional, clothing racks can become decorative pieces, too. And if you have a Boho-style room, it will fit right in. Aside from bags, you can also put accessories such as bags and scarves. You can even save money and make one yourself!

#9 Bedside organization

Most people don’t go to sleep right away when they go to bed. Most of us take our tablets or phones to bed, and we tinker with them before we finally fall asleep. Others take books and read before they eventually drift off to dreamland.

Image courtesy of thediyplaybook.com

No matter what your sleeping style is, you can’t deny the usefulness of a bedside table for organization. Create or purchase one with shelves for the storage of books, controllers, and phones, as well as your bedside lamp if you’re a late-night reader.

#10 Try something new with a hanging side table

Have you ever seen a home without tables? We’ll assume that your answer is “no” because, truth be told, we haven’t come across a single home without something even resembling a table. They’re essential. Where else are you going to put things?

Image courtesy of housecondonow.com

We all know tables occupy space, but what if we tell you that you can have them without sacrificing space? You can do that with hanging tables, which are not only space-savers but money-savers, too, because they are not as costly to purchase or make.

#11 Making sure your makeup stays where it should

Another thing that women everywhere have a lot of is makeup. Lipsticks, blush, foundation, powder, makeup brushes, etc.; it can be difficult to store and organize them all. A good solution for your makeup storage is to make a makeup board.

Image courtesy of pigeonenglish.com

Attach magnets to the individual units, and stick them to a steel board. Set the board in a frame for a classier look. This hits two birds with one stone. Not only does makeup have its own place, but you can also display them.

#12 Pegboards to the rescue

Pegboards have slowly wormed their way into people’s consciousness, thanks to influencers, TikTok, and Instagram reels. Pegboards can be used in countless ways, but they exist for a single purpose: organization. Put them on your wall, your closet door, or anywhere you need help with storage.

Image courtesy of michelleksmith.com

Install hangers and hooks for scarves, accessories, and bags. Rearrange them easily to make the setup work for you. And we tell you, once you start using them, you will never look back. They will change the way you live.

#13 Cart your way around the bedroom

If you think carts should only be used for groceries, you have to open your eyes and broaden your horizons because they do so much more. If you have stuff in the bedroom that needs to be mobile, the cart is the perfect solution.

Image courtesy of wisconsinhomedecor.com

Use small containers so you can organize your makeup brushes, hair brushes, lotions, and skincare products on the cart. Now you can easily move them around and not have to walk back and forth across the bedroom when you need them.

#14 Storing your belts stylishly

Do you roll your belts and put them in the drawer, or do you hang them for storage? Or do you just leave them somewhere? If you want your bedroom to look well-organized, you better have a plan for your belts.

Image courtesy of styledemocracy.com

If you want to store and be able to find your belts when you need them, you can use the hanging method. All you need are a few garment hooks that you can glue to the wooden hanger like in the photo above, and you’re good to go.

#15 Stacking towels gives you more space

This is a straightforward solution that does not require a lot of effort or money. If space is a precious commodity in the bathroom and you need a few towels, try stacking them on top of each other. Put the largest one at the bottom.

Image courtesy of cleverclassic.com

Stack the towels according to size so that the smallest one is on top. You have more space, your bathroom looks organized, and it won’t be a sight that makes you cringe when you use the bathroom. Sometimes it’s the simplest solution that works best.

#16 A place for your bags so they don’t get deformed

Women love to collect handbags, and most of them are not afraid to admit that they have a huge collection, some even for special occasions. But those bags aren’t always easy to store. When not stored properly, handbags can lose their shape.

Image courtesy of tokopedia.com

You wouldn’t want to waste the money you invested on your bags, so get one of those hat hangers that mount on the door and hang your bag on them. Not only will they look organized, but they will retain their shape, too.

#17 Consider getting the dual-purpose hanger and mirror

We have mentioned previously the genius of getting dual-purpose products because they are great space-savers, and we have another example here that we are sure you’ll love, too. Aside from helping you get organized, it will help you prepare faster in the morning.

Image courtesy of cleverclassic.com

No more dashing for the door because you’re late! This mirror has a space in the back that doubles as a clothes hanger where you can prepare the outfit you want to wear the night before — no more rummaging in your closet.

#18 Another brilliant way to use crates for clothes

Numerous articles have been written about the fruitful process of upcycling crates and all the great things they give people who are into crafting or are on a tight budget. Now here is another smart idea you can add to the ever-growing list.

Image courtesy of zigmarks.com

If you are short on closet space, use crates to store your clothes. Create crate shelves and paint them according to the décor and color scheme of your bedroom. If you like DIY, you’ll love this project, and you will find fulfillment in it.

#19 Corners make excellent spaces for shelving

Corners often become dead spaces in your home, and most people don’t know the potential these spaces hold. You can transform the unused corners in your bedroom into useful shelving. You can buy pre-made shelves, or get crafty and put them together yourself.

Image courtesy of hoomdsgn.com

Look for a few ideas and instructions on the Internet if you want to do it yourself, and make sure to get quality wood that can support the weight of whatever you want to put on the shelves. See your bedroom transformed afterward.

#20 Showcase and organize your books

Ladders don’t only help us reach high spaces; it turns out they can also become excellent spaces for the organization and display of our precious books. But we’re not talking about your regular ladders here. We are referring to those specially designed for books, such as the one in the photo below.

Image courtesy of sometag.com

You don’t need to limit yourself to books. You can put other decorative items, too, such as picture frames, vases, and a few trinkets. We won’t be surprised if you find yourself stealing more moments to go to this cozy nook.

#21 No more octopus cables with a cable organizing chamber

Octopus cables are not only unsightly; they can also cause accidents. What if somebody were to trip over them and hurt themselves? Not a very ideal situation, we know, so avoid injury and clutter by making a cable organizing chamber.

Image courtesy of sandstonefarm.info

Designate a space in your drawer for a chamber with slits where cables can come out from. The chamber can conceal the socket behind the desk, too. Impressed? So are we. For other areas in the home, you can get those cable organizer boxes.

#22 Consider wall desks for more space

A comfortable working space is essential if you want to perform your tasks and do well at your job. This is where desks and cozy office chairs come in. However, desks can eat up space, and if it’s already scarce, you have a problem.

Image courtesy of cleverclassic.com

A wall-mounted desk is the answer to your needs. If it’s not in use, you can screw it into the wall and take it down when you need to do work. You have enough room to work on your projects without wasting away the space in the room.

#23 Bench that also doubles as shoe storage

Another essential in the bedroom is a bench where you can sit down and relax for a few minutes that also doubles as shoe storage. Women, we are looking at you because we know just how many pairs of shoes you own.

Image courtesy of amazon.com

It’s one of the best combos that’s ever invented, and it’s a functional piece that anyone with a small bedroom will adore. Countless designs are available online, but if you can’t find one to your liking, you can always make your own.

#24 Use your shoe organizer for toys

If you’re a parent of a kid, your reality every day is cleaning up after your little ones and making sure toys are put away at the end of the day. The fact is, children like toys and even a single child can have a mountain of toys.

Image courtesy of cleverclassic.com

If you’re going out of your wits thinking of where to put all those toys, get yourself a shoe organizer. Shoe organizers are a game-changing space-saving hack we wish we knew about sooner. Who knew putting toys away could be as simple as putting them in pockets.

#25 Jewelry arrangement with thread racks

Losing jewelry, especially expensive gold jewelry with precious stones, is every woman’s nightmare. Think about the number of hours you spend in order to afford them, and the fond memories we had while wearing them. And we don’t even want to talk about gifts from loved ones.

Image courtesy of crafthubs.com

Because they are tiny, they can easily slip into cracks. Get yourself a thread rack, and you’ll never have to worry about this problem. You can attach them to the closet rack or beside the vanity mirror. Now you know where to find your jewelry.

#26 Fold your clothes in a way that they are easy to identify

Do you know what everyone hates? Folding freshly laundered clothes perfectly and stacking them on top of each other carefully only to have their significant other and little ones rummaging through them when they want a change of shirts. We’ve all been there.

Image courtesy of goodhweel.site

Stop stacking folded clothes on top of each other. Instead, arrange them vertically. This makes it easier to see all of the clothes, so rummaging need not happen, and you can eliminate the stress of having to fold clothes all over again.

#27 Why not hang your boots?

Boots can easily lose their shape if you don’t put something inside. Plus they can be a pain to store! But we have figured things out and want to share this valuable hack with everyone. Use wall-mounted hangers and hang your boots instead of putting them on the floor.

Image courtesy of redneckcouture.com

And remember to hang them in open shelved closets so they can have all the room they need without sacrificing your other clothes. Good leather boots cost a lot of money, and we know that the last thing you want is to see your money go to waste.

#28 Another great way to store and display jewelry

We have previously talked about jewelry storage solutions, and now we have an alternative. Instead of getting a thread rack, you can use a jewelry hanger which you can source from Amazon, Etsy, or other online retailers. First, decide what design works best for you.

Image courtesy of decorlove.com

Now you can safely hang your bracelets, necklaces, and earrings on the hanger instead of keeping them in a box or on a thread rack. However, some jewelry items are investment pieces, so you might want to make sure you have a safe place for them instead of hanging them.

#29 Make good use of your bed table

If someone offered us breakfast in bed for the rest of our lives, we surely wouldn’t refuse. But hey, real life doesn’t work like that. We’ll just have to wait til our kids or significant others decide to spoil us. Until then, did you know that the bed table still has another use?

Image courtesy of viemaker.com

You can use it when you want to work on your laptop while in bed. It’s just the right size — it’s mobile, light, and versatile. So don’t make the mistake of limiting it only to the occasional breakfast in bed mornings.

#30 Upcycle empty cereal boxes

Upcycling is a word that has found its way in our lexicon thanks to tireless environmental advocates who want to protect our Earth. One of the ways to do that is by repurposing old things that are set to go to a landfill. We have something here that will please upcyclers everywhere.

Image courtesy of goldpix.co

Empty cereal boxes are the perfect receptacles for stationary supplies and magazines. Just clean them and cover them with some decorative paper or gift-wrapping paper to make them look presentable. It’s the perfect project your little ones can help you with.

#31 Double up your kitchen space by hanging mugs

The kitchen is another place where most people are in dire need of space, and if you’re like the rest of us struggling to fit everything in the kitchen, you will love this hack. Instead of putting mugs in the cupboard, try hanging them.

Image courtesy of dunelm.com

Plenty of options are out there, so don’t do what most people are doing. And don’t be afraid to experiment! All you need to do is screw hooks onto the underside of shelves mounted on the wall, and you have plenty of room to hang your mugs.

#32 Staircases with space for clothes

People who live in multiple-story homes have staircases. How else would they go to the second or third level? Obviously. But only a few have ever thought of designing their staircases to come with a chest of drawers built into them.

Image courtesy of bookofseven.com

Keep this in mind when you’re designing your new home. Adding drawers into staircases will let you store clothes, books, and other things. They will help prevent clutter and give you that much-needed room. When it comes to space-saving tips, we’re leaving no stone — or floorboard — unturned!

#33 Put your balcony to good use

If your home has a balcony, then you have additional space that can be used for organization. If the balcony is not being used that much, you might want to convert a little of the area and turn it into something helpful.

Image courtesy of cleverclasic.com

After washing your clothes, you might need to dry them out, or maybe you need to air out your used sneakers. Guess what? The balcony is the ideal place for those two things. Just get an extension rack, hang it over the railing, and you’ve got it.

#34 Vertical storage instead of horizontal storage

Most of the time, the simplest solution is the best, and this is a good example. Homeowners buy all sorts of home organization stuff without considering their specific storage needs. For example, in the kitchen, sometimes vertical storage works better than horizontal.

Image courtesy of homelighting.site

If you have a small kitchen and cabinet space is a commodity, why not try vertical storage? Create shelves for cutting boards, pans, and bakeware. Not only will vertical storage make the cupboard roomier, but it also prevents damage to your kitchenware and cabinets.

#35 Use a magnet to keep your knives

Most people store their knives in the drawer or in their knife blocks, but what if you don’t have a knife block and your drawer space is limited? Try this clever hack and you’ll never look back. Attach a magnet to the wall and stick the knives to it.

Image courtesy of cleverclassic.com

You will save a lot of space, protect the sharpness of the knives, and prevent accidents too because you know exactly where to handle the knives. You can conveniently grab the kind of knife you need and start chopping and slicing away.

#36 Headboard that doubles as storage

If you’re a bookworm like us, you must have countless books in the bedroom. Reading a book makes it easier to drift to sound sleep, but where do you put your books after reading them? On the floor? Under your pillow?

Image courtesy of hipvan.com

Headboards that come with hidden shelves make it easier to store and grab books even when you’re in bed. Now you get two functions for a single space, a nice headboard, and shelves. How can you beat that simple storage solution?

#37 Shelves under the bed for extra storage

If you have the time and effort to build your own bedframe, then we suggest making one that comes with built-in shelves underneath. They’re called ‘bed-shelves,’ and this type of bed allows you to store things such as books and shoes.

Image courtesy of hometalk.com

You can even fold and store a few out-of-season clothes and hats there, too. We are not sure if this kind of bed is available commercially, or if you don’t have the time to make it yourself, you can always commission someone to make it for you.

#38 A laundry bag for wet clothes

We have seen all sorts of laundry bags, but this one here is new to us. Apparently, this is the type where you can stash wet clothes, and they won’t drip on the floor. Unlike your laundry basket, this is very light, mobile and hardly occupies space because you can just fold them when not in use.

Image courtesy of cleverclassic.com

This is the best option for people who don’t have a lot of room to spare. Like the person in the photo, you can use embroidery hoops to make sure they stay open, hang them on the wall and just take them down when not in use.

#39 Make your very own book ledges

Book ledges are widely available nowadays, but if you have a few wooden planks at home and some extra time, why not make your very own? Not only will you be adding more space to your home, but you’ll be saving extra money if you DIY it.

Image courtesy of hometalk.com

Bookcases are not always the best storage solution since they easily consume space, so why not try something new? We are surely willing to do so if it means no more bulky and heavy book storage items in our home.

#40 Storing blankets wisely

Blankets and bed sheets are some of the biggest and space-consuming items in the bedroom. Storing them is a debacle, and most people don’t even have any idea where to put them. Should they go on the top shelf of the closet?

Image courtesy of picsmaza.com

The answer may lie in rolling wire baskets because they not only provide extra space, but the fact that you can roll them means you don’t have to carry around heavy stuff. It also makes transferring them from one place to another a lot easier.

#41 An electric socket on the foot of your table or bed

This is certainly a sign of changing times. Bed risers are a popular space-saving trick, as you can loft your bed to create additional space underneath. Now, you can buy ones that you can plug in for easy-access outlets that might otherwise be hiding in a corner!

Image courtesy of 88homedecor.com

It may seem weird, but if it works, who are we to criticize it? These plug-in risers are perfect for beds, or even desks and tables. If you don’t have many outlets, or the ones you do have are hidden behind furniture, this may be the perfect solution for you.

#42 Get rid of clutter with the help of plastic crates

If you have a toddler, pretty much all surfaces must be littered with building blocks, plushies, and all sorts of toys. It’s great to watch your little one play, but the disaster that they leave in their wake can be a nightmare.

Image courtesy of passionforsavings.com

Where do you begin arranging the toys? If you have limited space, consider getting plastic crates. You can set them up a bit high and use them to sort and store toys. You can also get the wooden version if you don’t fancy plastic crates.

#43 Hang your shoes and slippers to reduce clutter

Footwear must be stored properly for them to last long and for your house to be dirt and clutter-free. Shoes strewn on the floor is unsightly, and that’s the last thing you want to be seen when you have guests coming over.

Image courtesy of cleverclassic.com

But shoe cupboards and cabinets can be quite bulky, making an already small house even smaller. The solution? Plastic hanging shelves that can be easily attached to the wall. Hang your footwear on the rod, and you’ve just made your home a lot better.

#44 Tuck your bed away when not in use

Thank the heavens for inventions that make life easier. If you’re not sure about the latest home trend, the Internet is your friend. One of the greatest inventions, in our opinion, are beds that can be tucked away when not in use, like murphy beds.

Image courtesy of soledesign.us

This bed folds away and tucks into a cupboard so, during the daytime, you can have space to do other things. When you’re tired and need to take a nap, all you need to do is pull it down. We recommend this for those who need every inch of space in their home.

#45 Wicker baskets to keep anything and everything

Traditionally made from various plant materials such as willow, reed, and bamboo, wicker baskets make great additions to any home. They make the perfect catch-all, and at the same time, they give your home added style. They’re sure to match whatever your decor theme is.

Image courtesy of grdodge.com

If you haven’t joined the wicker basket bandwagon yet, now is the perfect time to do so. A few of the things you can store in wicker baskets are toys, pillows, books, and blankets. You name it! As long as it fits in the basket, it’s a go.

#46 Apply upholstered panels

If you live in a smaller house, it obviously makes more sense to get a smaller bed. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a fancy-looking bed that makes you proud. After all, if you’re like us, your bedroom is almost like your tiny throne room.

Image courtesy of Pixieset/Pinterest

One of the things that elevates a bed is the headboard. But if yours is a small bed, there’s always the option of fixing upholstered panels on the wall behind your bed. You can get them customized to your taste in terms of color and texture, and with the appropriate glue, it takes no time.

#47 Get Farmhouse Curtain Rods

In a small house, you have to minimize most things, including decor. As such, it is wise to optimize the essentials you already have, like curtains. They take up such little space, if any, but they can make such a huge impression.

Image courtesy of Amazon

Aside from investing in gorgeous fabric for the curtains and sheers, you should also consider getting amazing rods to go with them. For example, you can try farmhouse curtain rods like the ones pictured above. These are quite popular since they also offer you storage at the top.